This is the story of Jazzie and Jonathan.
The day Jonathan’s daughter brought home Jazzie, the connection was immediate. Even as a stranger to his home, Jonathan knew Jazzie would soon become apart of his family. Whether it was because of her large round eyes that seemed to open to the world with innocence and curiosity, or because of her constant want for attention, it didn’t matter because Jonathan knew it was going to be his dog. Really it was his daughter’s but even she forgets its hers sometimes.
When seeing Jazzie, it’s easy to look at her cuteness and focus solely on that, when in actuality her ability and want to see the world morphs her essence into something more human. Although Jonathan will sometimes get down to her tiny level and see the world from her perspective which is filled with simplicity and joy, Jazzie oftens wants to be held and share the world through the eyes of a human. Often times dogs want to become their owners and vice versa. Ironic isn’t it. Even in her arguments and fights with other dogs, Jazzie is able to fight, separate, and reconvene as if nothing has happened. Her want to find connection with other dogs leads into her connection with humans and, of course, Jonathan. She loves being happy and searches for it constantly.
However, with Jazzie’s cancer diagnosis a year ago, it’s difficult for Jonathan to see the joy that Jazzie so oftens exuberates in her relationships and activities. More often than not, he is praying for another year with Jazzie instead of living in the present. Who can blame him? He has learned profound lessons from his dogs “particularly, to take what may be learned from an experience and move on.”
Stop worrying so much. Fight, love, leave, do whatever you must. Just don’t forget to remember the love…Jazzie would….
Peace and Love,
The Dogi Lama